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An Insurance Backed Guarantee is there to underwrite the contractors written guarantee which means you get additional peace of mind when you have work done by a contractor on your home.
Your Insurance Backed Guarantee will protect you in the event that the contractor ceases to trade* and defects subsequently appear in materials used and workmanship done.
If the contractor, who carried out your work, ceases to trade you can relax knowing you have additional cover through your Insurance Backed Guarantee.
At HomePro we have over a million policy holders which means that you can rest assured knowing your policy is in good hands.
HomePro is the trading name of HomePro Ltd, registered in England. HomePro Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, FCA Number 304449
Company Number 3833783, All correspondence to: Station View, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 4AD
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