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CALL US 0800 131 0500

Why Trust Us To Help Build Your Business?

Our first member joined us in
and our homeowners rate our members
9.62 out of 10...
by over
of our members renew every year

We have been around longer than almost any other trade body. Over half a million UK homeowners rate our members' home improvement work more highly than the work of members of other trade bodies. Our members stay with us, year after year... after year.

Join HomePro Now


2 Ways For You To Join Right Now...


1. Fill in a short form and we'll give you a call

To join HomePro - or find out more - just fill in the short form by clicking below.

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2. Call us and find out more, or join right now

Call 0800 131 0500 to speak with us now


We'll do the rest to get you up and running

Once you have finished your application form and sent over any documentation, we will get started on the vetting process, leaving you to do what's important - your work! 


An Insurance Backed Guarantee is designed to protect your customer in the event that you cease trading* and – as a result – are unable to honour the terms of your own written guarantee which means that your customer has the added peace of mind when having work done that should this happen, they are still covered.

Here at HomePro, you have access to Domestic and Commercial Insurance Backed Guarantees to cover an array of trade types from Double Glazing to General Building. We have three cover levels available for domestic contracts; warranty cover, deposit and warranty cover and deposit, work in progress and warranty cover which means that whatever your contract, you should be able to provide an Insurance Backed Guarantee.

Our research shows that homeowners are over 60% more likely to choose a quote including an Insurance Backed Guarantee than a quote without one which means that by Including Insurance Backed Guarantees in your quotes you are providing your potential customers with something your competitors may not be.

If you want to find out more, click the Join HomePro now button below, complete the form and we will give you a call to discuss your queries.

Join HomePro Now

* As defined in the policy wordings